In today’s modern world, stress and anxiety are common problems, which we will all face at some point. We are all able to cope with a certain amount of stress in our day-to-day lives. However, when that stress becomes excessive or prolonged, it has a negative effect on our body, our mind, our mood, and our behaviours. Potentially leading to anxiety disorders, panic attacks, illness, and exhaustion.
Excess stress, or prolonged stress, can result in conditions such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression, phobias, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), migraines, and sleep problems, etc. Excess stress can also exacerbate the symptoms of conditions you may already suffer with.
Simply put; long-term stress puts the health of your body and mind at risk.
Stress and anxiety can manifest differently in each person, but some of the physical symptoms of excessive or prolonged stress can be:
- Panic attacks & nausea
- Feeling fatigued or excessively tired
- Headaches, migraines, or dizziness
- Chest tightness or shortness of breath
- A racing heartbeat or high blood pressure
- Sweating, tremors, dry mouth
- Stomach-churning, stomach pain, or heart burn
- Rashes, itches, hives
- Forgetfulness or ‘brain fog’
- Frequent colds and infections.
- Insomnia
Common psychological signs can be:
- Feeling frequently agitated
- Negatively forecasting the future or catastrophising
- Irritability, anger, mood swings
- An irrational feeling of dread
- Suffering with fears and phobias
- Ruminating thinking
- Feeling nervous or anxious all the time
- Feeling lonely, worthless, or feelings of detachment
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy helps you with your ability to cope with day-to-day life, reduces your stress and anxiety levels so that you are able to approach situations calmly, confidently, and effectively. Troublesome symptoms can be alleviated, sleep patterns improved, and confidence and self-esteem restored.