Fear of Dogs
Esther has done wonders for our son, who had a fear of Dogs. She has taught him how his brain works and where fear comes from, to help him understand why he reacts the way he does when faced with these furry friends! Esther has given him the mental tools he needs to overcome his fear and be able to cope with doggy situations.
We've noticed he has more confidence in general, and love that he has the mental tools he needs to be able to overcome anything in the future. He's very much enjoyed learning about the brain, and why it thinks the way it does, and he's enjoyed all of the time spent with Esther via Zoom. To see him become more confident, and even bike to school through the park every day now, is nothing short of the work of a genius! Thank you, Esther, from Frankie and his family.
Anew Hypnotherapy